I am a missionary in Ethiopia. I am
doing something I call “evangelization of presence in silence.” Ethiopia is
rather a Catholic “environment.” Orthodox Christians are the most numerous. In
principle and theory we are more or less the same. In practice we differ a
lot. Like anyone else, we are seen as intruders coming to steal their
Christians to our church. The outcome of these attitudes is violence and
To avoid this, I
opted to witness humbly: just presence in silence. My pastoral work throughout
the week is basically among young people aged between 5-18 years. I organize
activities for them that are not specifically church oriented but society
oriented. Practically, I never organize prayers, as any Catholic Church would
do, but, of course, because there are a number of Catholics (about 56) on Sunday
we have the Eucharist celebration. During the week there are about seven people
who appear constantly. We have activities that attract normally the young.”
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