On the road to Nairobi, Kenya with a fellow
missionary we stopped for lunch in Nakuru not far from a sidewalk vendor selling
French fried potatoes and other greasy foods. When I approached the little
stand, my horrified companion explained to me that such places were unsafe and
cited a long list of diseases contracted from unclean food. Overhearing his
remark, the vendor assured us his food was fresh and not left in old grease. But
my friend disagreed, saying food that was obviously left out for so long should
be thrown out. Just beyond the stand was a small restaurant. There we enjoyed a
“safe” meal including French Fries. Returning to our truck we passed the vendor
and noticed he had cleaned out his stand. “I’m glad to see you took my advice,”
said my friend, “and threw out that old food including those greasy French fried
potatoes.” “Oh no,” replied the vendor, “someone from the small restaurant next
door just bought all my food a few minutes ago.”
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