We 30 participants gathered outside of
the church in Sagana, Kenya as the celebrant prayed: "Let us walk together with
the two disciples on their journey. We talk to each other, telling each other
on the way what has disappointed us and frustrated us in our life with Jesus,
with the church, and with our community." At the first outdoor "stop" Luke
24: 15-17 was read, and during the Penitential Rite we asked pardon for our
"downcast faces." At the second stop Luke 24:25-27 was read. Jesus
explained the faith to the two disciples and we listened to Paul, one of the
greatest witnesses to Jesus, in his Letter to the Romans 6:3-11. The
third stop was in front of the chapel door. Luke 24:28-29 was read and
the celebrant said: "The disciples invited Jesus to stay with them. We now
invite him to stay with us. We prepare the table so that we may eat with him."
Then all entered
the church for the celebration of the Eucharist. Before the peace
greeting Luke 24:30-31a was read and the celebrant said: "We recognize
Jesus in our midst. We acknowledge Jesus in each other with the sign of
peace." After Communion those who wished to be particularly prayed over came
forward. The celebrant and others laid hands on these people. Before the
dismissal, Luke 24:33-35 was read about the disciples returning to
Jerusalem and the celebrant said: "Let us go back and do the same." After the
end of the Eucharistic Liturgy, we participants shared a meal with everyone.
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