A Little Knowledge Is a Dangerous Thing
As they walked home they feared that they might forget what they had learned so they decided to assign the three phrases they had learned so far — we three, with a panga or knife and because of money — to the three of them respectively, that is, to Kioi, Githogori and Kaminju. As they were going home they came upon the body of a man who had just been killed so they started looking around the scene. As they were looking around a colonial policeman arrived in a car, saw the dead man and asked, “Who killed him?” Kioi replied, “We three.” The policeman asked, “With what?” Githogori replied, “With a panga or knife.” The policeman asked further, “Why?” Kaminju replied, “Because of money.” Now the three Kikuyu men thought that they knew English quite well and were eager and happy to speak with a white man. But they were immediately handcuffed and landed in jail. So the English proverb, A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
Story, Dr. Gerald Wanjohi, adapted from a Kikuyu Ethnic Group story on a satiric radio program, Nairobi, Kenya
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