December, 2001
27 Dec. 2001 |
“A home without a mother is a desert.” |
21 Dec. 2001 |
“A camel does not joke about the hump of another camel.” |
19 Dec. 2001 |
“When an elephant combats, it is the grass that suffers.” |
13 Dec. 2001 |
“Elderliness is not a disease, but a richness.” |
11 Dec. 2001 |
“When others have received, you may still receive, because God is always present.” |
06 Dec. 2001 |
“Those who respect the elderly pave their own road toward success.” |
04 Dec. 2001 |
“The tracks of the elephant cancels those of the antelope.” |
27 Nov. 2001 |
“If you are a flag follow the wind.” |
27 Nov. 2001 |
“The wiseman’s promises are like dew on the field.” |
26 Nov. 2001 |
“The goat eats the grass where it is tied.” |
21 Nov. 2001 |
“If you are a flag follow the wind.” |
20 Nov. 2001 |
“There is no hiding place on the water surface.” |
19 Nov. 2001 |
“The villager who always complains and is never satisfied with anything is like an annoying flea on the foot.” |
13 Nov. 2001 |
“Wind makes more noise among the trees.” |
12 Nov. 2001 |
“Remember, after the storm there will be a rainbow.” |
09 Nov. 2001 |
“When the webs of the spider join, they can trap a lion.” |
07 Nov. 2001 |
“When your finger is in pain, your sight is not lazy.” |
30 Oct. 2001 |
“Disease and disasters come and go like rain, but health is like the sun that illuminates the entire village.” |
29 Oct. 2001 |
“Good actions are nourishment for youths, much more than words.” |
25 Oct. 2001 |
“The rain falls on only one roof.” |
23 Oct. 2001 |
“When the lion gets old even flies attack him.” |
22 Oct. 2001 |
“It is better to have no law than not enforcing it.” |
19 Oct. 2001 |
“The owner of the house knows where his roof leaks.” |
18 Oct. 2001 |
“Who wakes and rises at the first cry of the songbird collects the best fruit of the night.” |
17 Oct. 2001 |
“The leopard’s skin is beautiful, but his heart evil.” |
15 Oct. 2001 |
“Who listens to the voice of the elderly is like a strong tree; who turns a deaf ear is like a twig in the wind.” |
12 Oct. 2001 |
“A lie can annihilate a thousand truths.” |
10 Oct. 2001 |
“No matter how full the river is, it wants to swell further.” |
09 Oct. 2001 |
“During a storm you do not take shelter under just one roofing tile.” |
28 Sep. 2001 |
“Only what you have combated for will last.” |
25 Sep. 2001 |
“The wise are as rare as eagles that fly high in the sky.” |
24 Sep. 2001 |
“Working in the fields is hard, but hunger is harder.” |
17 Sep. 2001 |
“Where the cattle does not graze, the warriors pass.” |
12 Sep. 2001 |
“Evil penetrates like a needle and then becomes like an oak tree.” |
10 Sep. 2001 |
“The drums of war are the drums of hunger.” |
04 Sep. 2001 |
“The death of an elderly man is like a burning library.” |
30 Aug. 2001 |
“A dog knows the places he is thrown food.” |
29 Aug. 2001 |
“If the tiger sits, do not think it is out of respect.” |
28 Aug. 2001 |
“Once the mushroom has sprouted from the earth, there is no turning back.” |
24 Aug. 2001 |
“The hunter that speaks too much, goes home empty handed.” |
23 Aug. 2001 |
“Hunger pushes the hippopotamus out of the water.” |
09 Aug. 2001 |
“A dog knows the places he is thrown food.” |
08 Aug. 2001 |
“A child’s lie is like a dead fish in a pond that in the end, always comes to the surface”, explains his mother. |
06 Aug. 2001 |
“If the metal is not good, you cannot take it out on the blacksmith.” |
03 Aug. 2001 |
“The owner of the dog does not obey his dog.” |
01 Aug. 2001 |
“If he is not lost, do not look for him.” |
31 July 2001 |
“Asking questions is not silly.” |
30 July 2001 |
“If you kill a little hippopotamus, you also kill his mother.” |
26 July 2001 |
“Every stream has its source.” |
24 July 2001 |
“Every man leaves his footprints.” |
20 July 2001 |
“Equality is difficult, but superiority is painful.” |
19 July 2001 |
“A sandstorm passes; the stars remain.” |
18 July 2001 |
“The injured animal is covered with flies.” |
17 July 2001 |
“A village without elderly is like a well without water.” |
16 July 2001 |
“A father without sons is like a bow without arrows.” |
13 July 2001 |
“Old and new millet seeds end up in the same mill.” |
12 July 2001 |
“A dog does not enter a home where they suffer from hunger.” |
27 June 2001 |
“A nice day, a gift for a street peddlar”. |
26 June 2001 |
“If you do not seal the holes, you will have to rebuild the walls”. |
25 June 2001 |
“Who mistrusts everybody is the real enemy of the village”. |
20 June 2001 |
“I have to learn how to walk on three legs says the hyena for when I am old”. |
19 June 2001 |
“Passion and hatred are children of intoxicating beverages”. |
15 June 2001 |
“The tail of the cow watches to the right and left”. |
14 June 2001 |
“The heart of an evil person is never pure”. |
13 June 2001 |
“Who guards two termite hills, returns empty handed”. |
11 June 2001 |
“It is easier to transport an ant hill than exercise authority in a village”. |
07 June 2001 |
“The day never turns back again”. |
06 June 2001 |
“If you chase away an ant, all the ants will come and bite you”. |
04 June 2001 |
“A youth that does not cultivate friendship with the elderly is like a tree without roots”. |
01 June 2001 |
“Also the black cow produces white milk”. |
31 May 2001 |
“The mouth of an elderly man is without teeth, but never without words of wisdom”. |
30 May 2001 |
“It is strange! The ox eats hay and the dog eats bread, while the donkey carries wine but drinks water (who works more receives less)”. |
29 May 2001 |
“If you shake a dog, you shake his owner”. |
27 May 2001 |
“Stretch your legs the length of your bed”. |
25 May 2001 |
“Flies’ legs, like the tongue of critics, land on whatever they find”. |
24 May 2001 |
“The rich is never satisfied”. |
23 May 2001 |
“We work on the surface, the depths are a mystery”. |
22 May 2001 |
“You cannot teach the old gorilla the road”. |
21 May 2001 |
“The voyager’s path is marked by the stars and not the sand dunes”. |
17 May 2001 |
“The best blessing for a good harvest is a pumpkin full of sweat”. |
16 May 2001 |
“Only the feet of the voyager know the path”. |
15 May 2001 |
“Harsh words hurt more than a poisonous arrow”. |
14 May 2001 |
“Who tells the truth is never wrong”. |
11 May 2001 |
“You cannot hide the smoke of the hut you set on fire”. |
10 May 2001 |
“You do not teach a giraffe to run”. |
07 May 2001 |
“A pilgrim, even if a sultan, is poor”. |
03 May 2001 |
“A monkey cannot dare what an elephant can”. |
02 May 2001 |
“The thorn will come out from where it went in”. |
27 April 2001 |
“A friend is like a source of water during a long voyage”. |
26 April 2001 |
“If you have a lot, give some of your possessions; if you have little; give some of your heart.” |
24 April 2001 |
“A mother’s tenderness for her children is as discreet as the dwe that kisses the earth.” |
23 April 2001 |
“There is more wisdom in listening than in speaking.” |
20 April 2001 |
“A united family eats from the same plate.” |
19 April 2001 |
“What the chief likes is not always what the youths like.” |
13 April 2001 |
“A friend works in the light of the sun, an enemy in the dark.” |
12 April 2001 |
“The bridge is repaired only when someone falls in the water.” |
10 April 2001 |
“No matter how early one awakes, the sun does not rise first.” |
6 April 2001 |
“The mouth makes debts, but the arms pay.” |
5 April 2001 |
“God provides for the blind vulture”.” |
4 April 2001 |
“The hunter knows his prey.” |
4 April 2001 |
“Between brothers, whether the trial is won or lost, makes no difference.” |
02 April 2001 |
“The river swells from the little streams.” |
30 March 2001 |
“A friend is someone you share the path with”. |
29 March 2001 |
“Until the snake is dead, do not drop the stick”. |
28 March 2001 |
“Only a mother can understand the suffering of a son”. |
27 March 2001 |
“The bull should be taken by the horns, a man at his word”. |
22 March 2001 |
“A united family eats from the same plate”. |
21 March 2001 |
“Who does not choose dies of hunger”. |
20 March 2001 |
“Little by little the bird builds its nest”. |
19 March 2001 |
“The words of the elderly are as sweet as honey, but if you do not listen they become as sour as bile”. |
16 March 2001 |
“Discord between the powerful is a fortune for the poor”. |
15 March 2001 |
“A knife does not fear thorns, a woman fears man”. |
14 March 2001 |
“Youths are like waves of the sea, the elderly have strength instead of tide”. |
13 March 2001 |
“Youths talk first and then listen, the elderly listen and then talk”. |
12 March 2001 |
“Where there are poor, there are rich. But where there is justice, they are all brothers”. |
09 March 2001 |
“The wind does not break a tree that bends”. |
08 March 2001 |
“In the desert of life the wise travel by caravan, while the fool prefers to travel alone”. |
07 March 2001 |
“Who made the drum knows best what is inside”. |
06 March 2001 |
“Man is like a palm on the beach; moving with the wind of life”. |
05 March 2001 |
“The jaws have nothing to chew if the feet do not walk”. |
26 February 2001 |
“Who digs the well should not be refused water.” |
23 February 2001 |
“One is not born a warrior, you become one.” |
22 February 2001 |
“A friend is like a water source for a long journey.” |
21 February 2001 |
“The thoughts of the wise are like stars in the galaxy: never ending.” |
20 February 2001 |
“The men are the wool of the tribe, but the women are the ones who weave the pattern.” |
14 February 2001 |
“Do not wait until tomorrow to hunt.” |
13 February 2001 |
“Those who waste time only hurt themselves.” |
12 February 2001 |
“Youths look at the future, the elderly at the past, our ancestors live in the present.” |
08 February 2001 |
“When a lion roars, he does not catch game”. |
07 February 2001 |
“A guest is a gift, a thief a tragedy.” |
06 February 2001 |
“The wisdom of the elderly is like the sun, it illuminates the village and the great river.” |
02 February 2001 |
“Who does not understand a look, cannot understand long explanations.” |
01 February 2001 |
“A rich man who does not know himself is worth less than a poor man who does”. |
30 January 2001 |
“During the dry season it is better to befriend the owner of the pirogue”. |
25 January 2001 |
“The tears running down your face do not blind you”. |
24 January 2001 |
“You can live without a brother but not without a friend”. |
19 January 2001 |
“The worm that gnaws on the bean is the one inside the bean”. |
16 January 2001 |
“Loving someone that does not love you is like loving the rain that falls in the forest”. |
15 January 2001 |
“Love is like a rice plant; transplanted, it can grow elsewhere”. |
10 January 2001 |
“Walking in two is medicine”. |
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