The meeting started with a prayer which was said in English by Joseph Kai.
Sr. Grace Njau welcomed members to the meeting; apologies from Margaret Ireri and Cephas Agbemenu were received.
Members were requested by Rev. Joseph Healey to present one proverb each, the following are some of the proverbs presented by members.
Min.1.7.2020 Challenges experienced by members
Min.2.7.2020 Finances
Between 2016 to 2019 the APWG had published more than 15 book projects on Endangered African Proverbs. The group has also produced booklets and e-books each with a collection of 100 or more Endangered African Proverbs. However, since 2019 the group has not been able to undertake more projects due to lack of funds.
The benefactors have suggested that the APWG source for a “Matching Grants” which meant that the members would raise at least a half of the funds required for the projects, then it would be added to by the benefactors.
Joseph Kai proposed that a fund-raising event be planned to be held in early December, 2020 if it would be possible. The members agreed to organize a dinner here in Nairobi. The proposed venue was the Red Cross social hall in Kawangware. Further discussions would be held during the next meeting.
As the saying goes: Go Digital or Die. The African Proverbs Working Group members decided to Go Digital not to Die. Members noted that some members were posting African proverb videos on the APWG Facebook Page. These were recorded using the smartphones and did not require professional recording with commercial gadgets as had been requested by some members. To enable better quality videos and drawings for Oral African Proverbs and Short African Stories, Joseph Kai and Elias Bushiri were given the Admin rights to be able to post and manage them on the Afriprov Facebook Page. The request to purchase a digital camera and better smartphones to enable high quality recordings was not given consensus by the members. The treasurer would be consulted to confirm the availability of finances.
The members were encouraged to pay their annual membership fees. Since January 2020 a good number of members had made their payment of Ksh.1,000.00 (one thousand shillings = $10).
The following paid Ksh.1000/= (one thousand shillings only).
Four members paid their membership fees twice in the year (in January and July 2020). These amounts would be transferred to be their membership fees for 2021. These were:
Ricardo Benon, a member visiting the USA had sent Ksh.6,268.00 on 17/7/2020 which would support the purchase of internet bundles to assist the communication and other auxiliary services. Ksh.1,000.00 would be used to pay his annual membership fee for the year 2020. The members appreciated this support.
Min.3.7.2020 Important Updates
To ensure that the collection of the African Proverbs resources at the Maryknoll Society House in Westlands, Nairobi continued to be maintained and managed safely, it would be relocated to a new office at the School of the Precious Blood Sisters in Riruta/Kawangware. Sr Grace Njau confirmed to the members that this space had been availed for the purpose.
This was one of the transition processes which Fr. Healey has on-going. The relocation of these resources would begin once the Covid-19 pandemic subsided.
Fr Healey informed the meeting that he was awaiting information from the USA about the outcome about the Fr. Don Sybertz’s Will of Testament. He would also follow up when he travelled to the USA after the Covid-19 pandemic.
Min.4.7.2020 Year 2020 projects
The projects for the year would be considered once the funds were available. However, the members would send in proposals for their intended African proverbs collections. Only 3 had been presented:
These had been prepared and were scheduled as below:
Any other business
The members agreed that the next Zoom meeting would be held in a week or two. There being no other business the meeting ended.
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