Okisa buluale khuliulila bililo. (Bukusu) Anayeficha ugonjwa, tutasikia vilio. (Swahili) When a person hides sickness, we will hear cries of distress. (English)
African Proverb of the Month May/June, 2002 Siemunda sisuta siekhumurwe. (Bukusu) Kilicho tumboni ndicho hubeba kilicho kichwani. (Swahili) What is in the stomach carries what is […]
African Proverb of the Month December, 2001 Omukekhe na akhetuya saria khukeenda taa. (Bukusu) Mtoto haogopi kwenda mahali popote kabla hajaumia. (Swahili) A child (young person) […]