“254 Misemo Kwenye Khanga za Afrika Mashariki (Sayings on East African Cloth).” Collected and edited by Rev. Joseph G. Healey, M. M. 16 February, 2000. 19 pages duplicated.
NOTE: More background information on and explanations of these proverbs, sayings and other types of African Oral Literature are found in Chapter One especially the sections on “Oral Literature as a Source of an African Narrative Theology of Inculturation” and “Research Methodology Used in Collecting and Interpreting African Oral Literature” in the following book: Joseph G. Healey, M.M. and Donald F. Sybertz, M.M., Towards An African Narrative Theology (Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 1996) and Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1997), 400 pages.
The complete text of this list of sayings is available online at:
Website of “De Proverbio — Electronic Journal,” Issue 11 (Volume 6, No. 1, 2000)
Paper and e-mail copies of this list of sayings are available from:
Rev. Joseph G. Healey, M.M. |
Research Committee |
Maryknoll Missioners |
Maryknoll Language School |
P.O. Box 867 |
P.O. Box 298 |
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
Musoma, Tanzania |
E-Mail: moderator@afriprov.org |