New Message Board Installed
Dear Afriprov Message Board Members:
In order to provide a more user-friendly environment for our users to display and discuss African proverbs, sayings and stories the management team has installed new Message Board software. We believe that this new software will allow us to better manage Spam and junk posts while giving our legitimate users a friendlier environment in which to congregate.
The software is provided by vBulletin and offers many features above and beyond the old software package. While the look and feel of the board has not changed drastically for you, the users, the management team now has a whole host of powerful new tools to help combat the Spam issue on our board. Specifically, the Moderator has the authority to review each new message. Relevant messages to the purpose of our website will be posted. All others will be deleted.
We hope that you continue to enjoy visiting with us on the new message board. Please feel free to contact us with any comments or suggestions.
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