10:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Saturday, 27 July, 2013
Department of Fine Arts and Design
Kenyatta University
Nairobi, Kenya
1. Introductory prayer by Angela Riziki.
One by one, all members introduced themselves by mentioning their names, profession and their country of origin. 12 members from three different African countries, namely DR Congo, Ghana and Kenya were present. Members present included:
1. Cephas Agbemenu (Ghana)
2. Allan Babunga (DRC)
3. Joseph Kariuki (Kenya)
4. Tyty Mukendi (DRC)
5. Angela Riziki (DRC)
6. Elias Bushiri (DRC)
7. Margaret Ireri (Kenya)
8. Sudi Wamukota (Kenya)
9. Richard Benon (DRC)
10. Veronica Nduku (Kenya)
11. Angelica Chelo (DRC)
12. Jemima Birugi (DRC)
Joseph Healey joined meeting via Skipe.
Gerald Wanjohi
Kamau Wango
Thomas Komakech
Sikitoka Mboni
Atemu Shiabwe
2. Report on recent research, writing, and publishing. This includes new booklets and books published in the past days.
No new book/booklet has been submitted so far, but we have received the soft copy of the work of Wekesa and Sudi.
Cephas: I highly recommend that Sudi and Wekesa implement the changes that we suggested before printing their final copy. The changes include adding area map and author’s photograph and also some biblical parallels.
Kariuki: I am interested in conducting a research on proverbs from the Facebook pages of the Kenyan’s main ethnic groups.This includes Kikuyu, Kamba, Luhya, Tholuo and Kalenjin.
The group has realized that Kariuki’s proposal has a great impact on today’s life and recommends it to be financed as soon as possible.
Tyty: I am interested to do research on Mashi proverbs. The Mashi language is from Eastern DRC. The group encourages Tyty to continue with his research while waiting for the availability of funds.
Margaret: I am still going on with my research on Mbeere Proverbs.
Elias: I have finished the collection stage of my work on Gusii proverbs, I sent my work to Allan to look at it and give me some advice.
Allan: I looked at it and advise you to put a comment or meaning for each of your 100 Gusii Proverbs. Also make sure a Gusii speaker reads your final work since you cannot speak Gusii language.
Sikitoka Mboni and his daughter Angela have presented four proposals at once, the reason being he stays in DRC and could not make it to be present in all our meetings all the time due to some expenses his travel can cause. According to Sikitoka, coming to Nairobi for one meeting he needs to spend almost $500 the amount one can receive for a grant. To avoid this, Sikitoka want to spend time in DRC working on his four projects and can comeback to Kenya to submit them once his work is done. The four languages include: Zoba, Bwari, Nyanga and Tembo all from Eastern DRC.
The committee has agreed with Sikitoka idea, but it needs the executive committee to sit and give the final decision and inform to Sikitoka by email.
Elysee: The work is in the hands of Allan for English translation.
3. Theme for our 2014 African Proverbs Calendar
The group has agreed to retain the theme that was agreed on at the previous meeting at Mazzoldi House.
4. Future “African Proverbs of the Month” to be posted on our website
The committee really thanks all members who accepted to volunteer to contribute proverbs of the month to be posted on our website. It also reminds those who have not submit proverbs to do this as soon as possible. A reminder letter can be sent to:
Margaret (Mbeere, Kenya)
Tyty (Tshiluba, DRC)
Sikitoka (Fuliro, DRC)
Cyprien (Kinyarwanda, Rwanda and DRC)
Grace (Kikuyu, Kenya)
Veronica (Meru, Kenya)
5. New grants applications:
Tyty Mukendi (Mashi, DRC)
Sikitoma Mboni (Zoba, Bwari, Tembo and Nyanga all from eastern DRC)
Both Sikitoka and Tyty’s Proposals will be put on the waiting list of approved proposals but not yet funded. The group advises Sikitoka and Tyty to continue with their research as they wait for the availability of funds.
6. Update on the treasury and ongoing contributions.
Our account had Ksh 6000
Allan received Ksh 2000 from Sikitoka Mboni for his contribution for the years 2012 and 2013.
Atemu Shiabwe Ksh 1000 as his contribution for the year 2013.
The total expenditure for today’s meeting is Ksh 6000
The current balance therefore is Ksh3000
We happily received a donation of $250 from Dr. Wolfgang Mieder in USA and $100 from an anonymous friend in USA.
Total donation from abroad: $350.
7. AOB.
The committee has noticed that the rule of no new grant until all works are cleared is not friendly to the members because it can affect nice proposals to come. The committee wants to appeal to the benefactors to treat all members individually. Delays should not be the reason to hold funds and bar others not to access fund.
Allan Babunga’s Trip to USA:
Allan: I sent my abstract to the American Folklore Society Annual meeting to be held in October 2013 in Providence, Rhode Island. Fortunately my proposal was selected by the organizers to be presented at the meeting. The AFS had offered me $2000 to cater for the round trip air ticket and booked a hotel room for me. For this trip to be successful I will need money for the American Visa fee and additional money to for bus fare from New York to Providence. Since I am representing the African Proverbs Working Group, I kindly ask you for support.
Overwhelmed by the news the committee has agreed to give a support of $175 offered by our friends abroad to Allan for his USA visa fee $135 and bus fare from New York to Providence and back $40.The committee has also ask Allan to present a report of his trip once he comes back.
The committee also criticized the delay in posting the minutes our meetings on the website.
The proposed date for the next meeting is 9 November, 2013.The proposed venue is Mazzoldi House, Karen. The executive committee will consult Father Thomas Komakech and the Apostle of Jesus to be sure.
Lunch comprises with all sorts of Swahili delicacies: Chapatti, Pilau, Beef, Mandazi, etc. was prepared and served by Angelica and Jemima and financed by the contributions account.
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