Date: Saturday, 27 April, 2013
Venue: Maryknoll Society House, Nairobi, Kenya.
Time: 10:30 am to 3 p.m.
Cephas Agbemenu was the Chairperson and Allan Babunga the Secretary.
1. Opening prayer
The opening prayer was said by Don Sybertz. He emphasized the life of the late Julius Kambarage Nyerere, the former president of Tanzania, to help us better understand African culture.
2. Introduction of members
All 21 members in attendance introduce themselves this includes 5 new members. The following list shows the names of members who were present:
1. Joseph Healey (USA)
2. Cephas Agbemenu (Ghana)
3. Donald Sybertz (Tanzania)
4. Thomas Komakech (Uganda)
5. Allan Babunga (DRC)
6. Atemu Ishiabwe (DRC)
7. Angela Riziki (DRC)
8. Elias Bushiri (DRC)
9. Angelica Chelo (DRC)
10. Jemima Katabarwa (DRC)
11. Joseph Kariuki (Kenya)
12. Simon Rurinjah (Kenya)
13. Francis Njuguna (Kenya)
14. Caroline Njoroge (Kenya)
15. Grace Njau (Kenya)
16. Elena Carlotta (Germany)
17. Bernard Owino (Kenya)
18. Margret Ireri (Kenya)
19. Nicholas Kibisu (Kenya)
20. Tyty Mukendi (DRC)
21. Cyprien Ntambara (DRC)
We receive apologies from the following members
1. George Atido
2. Jeremiah Sudi
3. Kazadi Muteba
4. Martin Kamande
3. Report on funded grants
Joseph Kariuki (Media)
We are happy that Joseph Kariuki has presented his long awaited paper on the research he was doing on African Proverbs on media. The group is waiting the final printed copies of that work.
Allan Babunga (Lingala)
The group is also happy receiving 10 copies of printed Lingala proverbs from Allan Babunga.
Seth Wekesa (Maragoli)
After receiving a grant to do a research on Maragoli proverbs Seth traveled to South Africa to complete his master degree. We are glad that Seth has comeback from South Africa and has sent to us a draft soft copy of his work. The committee has Seth the green light to print and bring to us 10 copies of the Maragoli proverbs.
Fidel Kabasele (Kuba)
Allan: We had a phone conversation with Fidel and he agrees to be here today but we don’t know what happened.
Elysee Nlandu (Kongo)
Allan: The draft copy we received from Elysee was all in French. I have promised them that I will work on the English part of it.
Jeremiah Sudi (Bukusu)
Sudi didn’t make it to the meeting today, but he sends to us the draft soft copy of his work. The executive committee will look at it and tell him what to do next.
4. Projects to be funded, new grants applications and procedures.
Atemu Ishiabwe presented a proposal to do a research on Nyindu proverbs. Atemu went ahead with his work and presented to us his 10 booklet of 100 Nyindu proverbs today. The executive committee has decided to give to Atemu his grant of $500 today.
Sikitoka Mboni also worked and presented a proposal and final work on Kivira, Kifuliro and Kihunde languages from DRC at the same time. Since he did not follow our procedure, the benefactors have decided to give him one grant only to the three languages he worked on. So we are happy to present to Sikitoka his grant of $500 today.
Veronica Nduku (Embu)
Veronica didn’t make it to the meeting but she still continues with her work.
Elias Bushiri (Gusii proverb)
Elias: My work on Gusii proverb is almost ready.
Cyprien Ntambara (Kinyarwanda)
As you know I am doing a research on Kinyaruanda Proverbs. I have finished the collection and now I am doing the translation.
Angelica & Jemima Chelo (Kirundi)
Angelica: I have decided to replace Benon with Jemima because Benon is busy these days.
Four more proposals and grants applications have been presented. These include:
Margret Ireri (Mbeere, Kenya)
Joseph Kariuki (Social Media, Kenya)
Allan Babunga (Luba Katanga, DRC)
Thomas Komakech (Acholi, Uganda)
5. Future "African Proverbs of the Month” to be posted on our website
Several members have show interest of contributing a proverbs of the month to be posted on our website. These include: Sikitoka Mboni (Vira, DRC)
Angelica & Jemima (Rundi, Burundi)
Grace Njau (Kikuyu, Kenya)
Cyprien Ntabara (Kinyarwanda, Rwanda)
Thomas Komakech (Acholi, Uganda)
Francis Njuguna (Kikuyu, Kenya)
6. Update on membership contributions
Cephas: since last year, our contributions stand at 23,000Ksh
The expenses stand at 20000Ksh
The balance is 3000Ksh
Allan: members want to know how the contribution is spent. As you know we don’t have any financial support for the meals during our meetings. There are only free meals if the meeting is hosted by Apostles of Jesus and Maryknoll. But if the meeting is held outside these two places, problem regarding lunch occurs. Also the executive committee uses this money to cater for some other expenses such as phone calls, internet cost transport and also drinks.
Three members gave out their annual contribution of 1000Ksh
This includes Joseph Kariuki 1000 for 2012
Simon Rurinjah 1000 for 2012
Angelica Katabarwa 1000 for 2013
Don Sybertz gave 10,000.
7. Networking among our members
Healey: It came to our attention that our members groups outside Kenya do not communicate among themselves. For example Don Sybertz works in Shinyanga, Tanzania and Pascal Durand in Geita, Tanzania but they never set time to know each other’s work and thus learn from each other. The same is also applied to most of our members in Nairobi, Kenya.
8. AOB.
Kariuki: The Executive Committee should how to create a time for researchers to present their findings in front of group at each meeting.
Our next meeting is planned for Saturday, 27 July, 2013 at Kenyatta University.
9. Lunch
A delicious lunch was served at 1 p.m. courtesy of Maryknoll.
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