The meeting started with a prayer by Angelique Chelo. The chairperson then welcomed all the members to the meeting.
Three visitors introduced themselves. They had been invited by existing members and hope to become members of the group.
Submission of booklets for completed projects
Only one copy of the booklets was presented at the meeting for each completed project. Other booklets would be presented to Fr. Healey in the following few days.
The chair explained that unlike in the past, the members had not been given their final project to print in order to ensure that only the approved soft copies were used. After the general meeting, each member would receive it on their email to enable them to print the balance of nine booklets.
The Editorial Committee briefly highlighted to the members the challenges experienced during the editing period.
The members were congratulated for their achievements.
Uploading of E-books
Peter Kyalo, the Assistant Administrator was present at the meeting to facilitate this activity. E-books completed in the years 2016 and 2017 were uploaded onto the website.
These were:
Ethnic Language Language No. Member
This was the highest number of projects successfully done all at once.
Proverbs of the Month
The Moderator confirmed that the Proverbs of the Month had been delivered to him by the members. These would be posted for the next 15 months (June, 2017 to October, 2018).
Two Proverbs of the Month had not been approved yet, and therefore, their second half grant would be held temporarily. These were:
Four members had not yet presented their Proverb of the Month, although they had completed their collection of 100 proverbs. These were:
Confirmation of Grants Payments
The second half grants would be given to the members who had met all the requirements.
A total of 11 Second Half Grants would be availed immediately.
10 Second Half Grants for the 2017 projects, and 1 for 2016 were confirmed by the Moderator as follows:
2016 Project
Funding for the following projects would be paid later after they their Proverbs of the Months had been approved.
Reading the minutes of the previous meeting held on Saturday, 21 May 2016
The minutes had already been circulated on the website and, therefore, they were not read at the meeting. The members were encourage to read online and frequently remind themselves of the guidelines stipulated in the minutes.
Matters arising from the previous minutes
There were no matters arising from the previous minutes.
Report on 2017 Membership contributions
The Secretary confirmed that all members had paid their membership fees for 2017.
All the 16 members who had projects in 2017 had been charged directly from their Grant amount the Ksh.1,000.
Those receiving their 2016 second half grant will be charged before the grant is paid to them.
Others not paid yet:
New Research Proposals
The chairman reminded the members that all new proposals for collection of proverbs should be targeting ethnic languages from outside the East African region and DR Congo. Members would be required to venture into other regions of Africa.
Specialized proverbs on specific topics would also be approved.
The members were requested to send their choice of ethnic language and region of origin to the Secretary by 10 June 2017. Once approved, the proposals would be presented during a full members meeting as required by the Guidelines.
Any Other Business
The outcome of the meeting would be communicated to the members afterwards.
There being no other business the meeting ended at 4.30 p.m.
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