The Moderator who was the host welcomed the members to the meeting and led a word of prayer in which all the members participated by petitioning their and APWG requests.
The members introduced themselves to the group.
Matters arising from the previous minutes
The Moderator gave an overview of what is required to be a member of the APWG, and the following was discussed.
The following members pledged to pay their membership fees:
Report on participants’ recent research, writing and publishing of proverbs
George Atido’s letter was read to the members on his research on the need of bringing people back to indigenous churches.
The members and the executive committee appreciated the good work done be George Atido on his research. The results would be shared with the members so that all could learn from the findings.
Proverb of the Month
The August 2015 proverb of the month would be from the Luba Ethnic Group of D R Congo Tall stories destroy the family relationships prepared by Elias Bushiri.
Other Proverbs of the Month would be as follows:
New Booklets of 100 African Proverbs
New grants were received for completed and continuing work which was almost complete.
Fr Healey requested Elias to complete the work on time according to the group guidelines and to print 10 booklets on the Luba proverbs before embarking on the Holoholo proverbs collection.
New Proposals
Promoting the African Proverbs, Sayings and Stories Website, Poll and Facebook page: http// – use of the smartphone
The use of the smartphone to reach out to the other members globally is key in updating other members of any developing stories and help in keeping the network active.
Allan Babunga was the former APWG Facebook Page Moderator. After being inactive as a member for over one year, he had to be removed from the Facebook link and from active membership of the group.
Nicholas Adongo has been silent for over two years so his name has been removed from the website.
James Siyumbu based in Zimbabwe was nominated as the new moderator of the Facebook Page of
Roger Akouete Adjomayi volunteered to be a WhatsApp group moderator to help with this communication platform.
Mother Tongue Website
Eti Dayan, the lady founder of Nanetya Foundation which works with local mother tongue stories and posts them on a website, had requested to work in collaboration with the APWG. Her interest is especially in the Sukuma proverbs, but the details of her interests were still sketchy. Fr. Healey was following on the matter and feedback would be given to the members at the next meeting.
Any Other Business
Executive Committee nomination: The committee members felt that one person needed to be added on the board following the resignation of Joseph Kariuki. Elias Bushiri was nominated.
African Dress Code: The members were reminded to wear African attire to reflect the theme of the APWG whose spirit was to express African cultural themes.
Proposal submission by Sikitoka Mboni: He had submitted 4 proposals to the executive committee for approval, but only one had been approved because of the procedures and guidelines laid down by the APWG. The other 3 would be discussed at the board meeting and feedback given during the next meeting.
Annual contributions: This being one of the pillars of active membership of APWG, it was emphasized that the annual contributions needed to be paid on time. (Ksh.1,000). Grants would only be given to those physically present at the meetings and not to a proxy.
The following members made their contributions:
The Chairman gave out an Mpesa number for easy payment of registration for members who would like to use the service; 0722 891 866
The agenda of the meeting was fully covered after lunch break and the members left at their own pleasure. The members appreciated Fr Healey as a good host and for a mouth watering lunch which he had provided. The meeting ended with a prayer. The date of the next meeting would be discussed at the executive committee meeting and would be communicated to the members.
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