1. Joseph Kai Kariuki – Treasurer +254 700 446 884
2. Francis Njuguna -Executive Member +254 720 446 884
The meeting started with a prayer by Francis Njuguna. Each member presented a proverb as per our traditions as follows:
Francis Njuguna: “Kwa Mwendwa gutiri irima.” This is a Kikuyu of Kenya proverb which says a lovers place has no hills. It implies that a person in love can overcome any obstacle to meet their lover.
Joseph Kai: “Ngobo kipng’ulya kobo, ngobo boisio kobo.” This is a Nandi of Kenya proverb which says that when it is play it is play; but when it is business it is business. There is always time for every activity and such should be taken seriously in that no one should make fun of a sad situation or sleep while others are working.
Edward Karanja: “Umoja ni nguvu.” This is a Swahili of Kenya proverb which means that we are strong when we are together.
1) Updates on expected financial support from Wamwaki Joseph Healey
2) Updates on online fundraising
3) Payment of outstanding debts
4) Way forward after transfer of Sister Grace to Tanzania
5) Missal proverbs booklets
Members were updated about the expected financial support. A sum of $3000 was received into our account from Wamwaki Joseph Healey. The amount would come in handy in payment of long outstanding debts in relation to the group’s activities. Members had been waiting for the support for quite some time and they expressed gratitude for having received the support.
A donate button had been added to our website but there had been a challenge getting a provider who could allow receipt of donations through credit cards. PayPal and other providers had failed to work. A new provider (Paystack) had been found and after trials, it worked well.
Members were briefed about the long outstanding debts. Wamwaki Joseph had identified a number of people who had not been paid their dues and needed to be paid as soon as possible. The members agreed to go ahead and clear those debts as a first priority. It was agreed that other debts would be communicated and cleared as well so that the group is in good standing.
Members expressed gratitude for the invaluable support that Sister Grace had accorded the group during the entire time that she was in Nairobi and at the Amani Centre. Members were informed that she had expressed interest to continue leading the group even after the transfer. The move was welcomed and it was agreed that the group should work out a way to have an online meeting with her and the members. A hybrid meeting was identified as one option that would allow members experiencing technical issues connecting to the internet to help each other while allowing sister to participate in the meetings. It was agreed that Joseph Kai should help sister to coordinate the group in Nairobi and communicate with her often so that the group can continue working and carry out its mission as always.
The missal proverbs booklet which had been finalized had not been printed due to lack of funds. Members agreed that the booklet would not be printed since the year 2024 had progressed and the group would not be able to sell the booklets at this time. However, the booklet could be utilized as an eBook. Edward would follow up with the designer to know what amount he would charge for a softcopy eBook version. Members agreed to focus on future projects. It suggested that a pocket diary could be created for the year 2025 and introduced through various solidarity groups.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.
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