The meeting starts at 11. 00 with a prayer done by Mr. Chris Mburu in Kikuyu language from Kenya. It was followed by presentation of proverb from each member. It was then followed by the reading of the minutes for the previous meetings by Mr. Chris Mburu.
Proverb of the Day
Elias Bushiri Elie: Loboko moko eko boma buffle te (Lingala) One hand cannot kill a buffalo. Buffalo is one of the five big animals find in Africa. With its muscles and strength, one cannot dare to fight it, it will probably take a group of men to kill it. The proverb talks about togetherness.
Dr. Caroline Rugendo: Muria wenga akuaga wenga (Embu) He who eats alone dies alone. The proverb is used to emphasize on the need of unity and fellowship among community members. Sharing food enhance unity and strengthens community bonds.
Mr. Chris Mburu: Njiguma njega yumaga ikuriro (Kikuyu) Spare the rod, spoil the child. It simply means that it is better to correct a child when young, not when grown up.
Mr. Daniel Muthama: Kuhitia ni kwa njamba (Kikuyu) We learn through mistakes. Step by step we can overcome our challenges.
Mwalimu Hassan: Buses bisese …In Kiswahili, pole inatoka kwa mungu. Meaning ‘haraka haraka haina Baraka. “Harry has no blessings”
Sister Njau: Gutiri ngware nini mahuriani. (Kikuyu). Nobody is too small when an opportunity / food arises. Even small people or children are ready to grab food when it is available or an opportunity arises.
Matters Arising
The APWG Bank account is empty!
Sr. Grace Njau presented a sample of books left by Rev. Healey as gift to be sold and generate money for the group. The books are one of the works done by Rev. Healey and Fr. Zakaria Kashinje from Tanzania. Members were urged to market and sell the books so that the group can be able to get some money to put in the group’s bank account.
New Research Projects
Mr Daniel Muthama is working on his first project for the group which will be soon presented to all members but he has not yet decided on which ethnic group from Africa is going to work on.
Visiting Prof. Cephas Agbemenu
There were plans to visit the group’s former Chairman and one of the oldest members of the APWG, who has been unwell since 2020. Unfortunately, none of them has ever been successful. This is because of time and money. It was expected to use some of the group’s funds to visit Cephas in Mombasa where currently living with his family, but the funds were diverted to the production of “Missals Book” which will also help the group to get some more money if it is well sold and hit the target. However, members came up with an idea and agreed up on contributing for the trip for themselves. Mwalimu Hassan and Sr Grace volunteered to help looking for an affordable accommodation and give a feedback the group before May 2023.
Missals Book and Its Price
The APWG Missals book was unveiled to members. It got a lot of appreciation from members. According to the team in charge, the printing price was too high and the question was how “much is it going to be sold?” because it was printed at current rate of $ 9.11 which translate in to Ksh 1200.00, a piece.
As they said: “Where there is people, nothing is delayed”. After a long discussion on the price of the book. Finally members settled at the price of Ksh 1500/$11.39 for a piece.
Each member bought one piece and again were urged to market the book to their friends, colleagues and communities.
The book will be also sold online as a soft copy or POD (Print On Demand)
2024 African Proverbs Calendar
Every the APWG always prepare a calendar with a different theme. If you visit the group’s website: you will be able to see this year’s calendar with the theme: Journeying Together.
With no exception, the 2024 calendar needs a theme. Members are requested to send their suggested theme for the calendar by the end of May 2023.
Next Meeting
Members agreed to meet on second week of May 2023 which will be 13th may 2023 at Precious Blood Family, here in Nairobi Kenya. You are all welcome!
Members appreciated the effort made by the chair person by leading the group to the production of its first ever book.
There was no other business. Dr Caroline Rugendo closed the meeting with a word of prayer in Embu language, from Kenya
The meeting ended at 1.30 p.m.
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