- Joseph G. Healey – Moderator +254 723 362 993
- Margaret Wambere Ireri – Treasurer +254 722 537 774
- Elias Bushiri – Vice Secretary +254 741 497 556
- Grace Njau (host) – Executive Member + 254 722 260 078
- Francis Njuguna – Executive Member +254 720 446 884
- Joseph Kai Kariuki – Executive Member +254 700 446 884
The meeting started with a prayer by Joseph Kai.
The Zoom Meeting hostess Sr. Grace Njau welcomed the members to the meeting and thanked them for logging in on time for the meeting.
As has been the custom for the meetings, each member presented a proverb each explaining their meaning and application in the African settings.
- Joseph Healey: Elimu ni bahari (Swahili for education is an ocean, that is, it has no end). The application to daily life is how the Executive Committee members are trying to learn how to use the many features of the Zoom social platform.
- Elias Bushiri: The axe is strong but cannot cut hair. Every person is important according to their unique purpose. We should not discriminate against anyone.”
- Joseph Kai: Nothing good comes from a good place/nothing good comes easily. We need to all work hard in order to succeed in our endeavors. Idleness and laziness is not benefit anyone.
- Grace Njau: Sugarcane is sweetest at the joint. Every success is as a result of the hardships, hard work and great effort that one goes through until one gets the good outcome.
- Margaret Wambere: The hanging of the fruit does not mean it will fall from the tree.When times are difficult, or when one is desperate and there seems to be no hope, the situation can change and become better.
- Francis Njuguna: Better have many guests and less food (Kaba andu maingihe, irio inyihe in Gikuyu, Kenya). It does not matter how many people we are; what is important is that we share whatever resources irrespective of the quantity availability.
Min.1.7.2020 Afriprov Website
Joseph Healey highlighted the importance of knowing how to access the various resources on our website. Members were challenged to identify the ways that the “Minutes” of the previous meeting can be accessed. Five ways are:
- The first hyperlink under “What is New” on the Home Page (Main Page).
- Put “Zoom Meeting” in the white search box that says “Enter Your Search” on the top right hand side of the Home Page (Main Page).
- Use “ctrl f” to open a white search box that says “Find” on the top of the Home Page (Main Page). Then put “Zoom Meeting.”
- Hover the curser over “Resources” in the menu at the top of the Home Page (Main Page) and click on “Meetings.”
- Enter “African Proverbs Working Group (APWG) Executive Committee Zoom Meeting” in the online Google Search Box.
Suggestions were made on how the make the colors on the Home Page (Main Page) more readable/visible.
Min. 2.7.2020 Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting
Joseph Kai read the minutes of the previous Zoom meeting held 27 June 2020, as posted on the website. The minutes were proposed by Fr. Joseph Healey and seconded by Francis Njuguna as a true copy of the proceedings and resolutions.
Min. 3.7.2020 Matters arising from the previous minutes
The APWG bank account currently has an amount of USD $79 (Ksh.7,900.00). The request for support with a video camera and smart phones to enable recording of good quality videos and photographs on the African Proverbs Facebook Page would be deferred due to unavailability of funds. This was clarified by the Treasurer who also proposed that the group seeks for donations of the gadgets from well-wishers.
Min.4.7.2020 Creation of content for our Facebook Page
The Moderator noted that members had been posting very good content on the Facebook Page which had guided the increased engagement with the followers of the page. The “Drawings with African Proverbs” are getting many hits. But no money (income) is coming in from this activity. It was agreed that the number of viewers needed to be boosted in order to effectively fund raise. The APWG members would be encouraged to post messages, hit “Like” and respond to posts. Elias Bushiri and Joseph Kariuki would follow up on ways of promoting the Facebook Page so that many more viewers would visit it.
There was consensus that the active members be supported with internet bundles to enable them to continue creating content for the website and Facebook Pages. The Treasurer reported that she had identified a suitable internet bundle package from Safaricom which offered unlimited communication over a long period of time. Other options would continue being studied.
Min. 5.7.2020 Financial sustenance of the APWG
- Fundraising Dinner
The proposed fund-raising dinner strategy was discussed further by the members. The Red Cross Branch along Kikuyu Road was still the proposed location for the function. The charges for hire were affordable unlike other locations which would be comparably expensive.The members expressed their concern that the function may be faced by challenges posed by the government guidelines on the Coronavirus, such as the social distancing. Meetings would not be allowed and unless these were lifted, other methods of raising funds would have to be adapted. Joseph Kai and Elias Bushiri were requested to prepare a tentative budget for the event which they would share with the members on email. This would allow all members to give their input and hasten decision making.The members proposed that funds should also be raised through the African Proverbs Facebook Page. PayPal is usually used to enable people worldwide to make their donations. Joseph Kai and Elias Bushiri will explore how to set this up. Consultation with Charles Gikera indicated that a Mobile App can be incorporated to facilitate these donations. Further consultations would be made with Catherine Wambugu in the Maryknoll Society Office.
- Other methods of fund raising
The members agreed to share more ideas that can be used to raise the funds, considering their affordability and outcomes. These would be shared on email, and during subsequent meetings.
Min. 6.7.2020 WordPress training scholarship
As a result of the migration to the digital publication of the APWG productions, the Moderator confirmed that a scholarship for the WordPress training is available. The trainer would be Benard Mberere of AMECEA ICT, Nairobi. The Executive Committee members who would be interested would undergo the training in order to acquire skills to manage the website with the current administrators.
Details of the module would be shared later.
Min. 7.7.2020 Any other business
- Emergency Fund
The members requested for some financial support those active members who had lost jobs due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The support would be provided only once due to the limited funds available. After deliberations it was agreed that Elias Bushiri would receive Ksh.24,000.00 (twenty-four thousand Kenya shillings) to pay his rent until the end of July, 2020. His extensive contribution to the APWG was evident and he needed support to sustain himself as he searches for alternative ways to support his livelihood.
- Letter of Introduction and Profile
The members agreed that this letter and a profile write up be prepared to enable members to use it to introduce the APWG to other organizations. Ricardo Benon had previously requested for these documents to enable him to approach organizations for the purposes of fund raising.
Sr. Grace Njau and Margaret Wambere would prepare the drafts and share with Fr. J Healey for further editing.
There being no other business the meeting ended.
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