The meeting started with a prayer in French by Elias.
Margaret welcomed the members and gave an apology for Sr Grace Njau who was committed elsewhere.
Members had been encouraged to read the minutes ahead of the meeting.
The Moderator, requested each member to identify the proverbs they have been voting for in the January – March, 2018 Poll. October – December, 2017 Poll had 482 votes. This is lower than the July – September, 2017 Poll that closed at 552 votes.
Francis Njuguna thanked the APWG executive committee for providing him with a
Smartphone to enable him to take photographs and update the Facebook Page. The members appreciated his performance and encouraged him to post items more frequently. Internet bundles would be provided to support his work. (6GB Safaricom 90 days bundles package for 3,000/=)
The purchase of a laptop had been successfully done as requested in the previous meeting.
Elias Bushiri thanked the APWG executive committee for providing a laptop to facilitate his work with the production of the 2018 APWG calendar and editorial work for the group.
Fr. Healey confirmed that the 2018 APWG calendar had been produced, published and posted on the African Proverbs Website for all readers to access. A few hard copies had been printed and presented to the executive committee members.
The members agreed that the previous budget for the services of production and editing of the calendar be maintained and applied each year. The budget would be $100. The producer would receive $70 and formatters/proofreaders $30.
The committee in collaboration with the Moderator agreed to engage a person qualified to edit and proofread the Proverbs of the Month before they were posted on the African Proverbs website. This would ensure best quality of work and relieve Fr Healey of this duty. Ben Chebweche Mabuto was accepted as suitable, after editing the March, 2018 proverb of the month.
The members agreed to pay $15 for the editorial services of each proverb. This would be charged from each member’s second half grant. A selection of a Proverb of the Month can only be done after each member completes his or her collection of 100 African proverbs.
The name and signature of the former online signatory Francis Kuria Kimani had been replace with that of Catherine Z M Wambugu who works at Maryknoll.
Funds amounting to $4,790 (only $10 bank charges) had been transferred into the APWG account on 1 February, 2018 from the Apostolic Trust Project of the Maryknoll Society. This would support the activities of the APWG during the year. The members thanked Fr Healey for the support.
The 2018 first half grants will be distributed to facilitate the collection of 100 proverbs by the members. At present we do not have enough money in our account for the second half of the grants. The members will present their new project proposals for vetting at the next full members’ meeting. The executive committee will make the final decision on the proposals to be funded.
The guidelines guiding the APWG work will be re-posted to the members.
The Fund Raising Committee had not been successful in sourcing for extra funds to support the Endangered Proverbs Booklets production. Francis Njuguna informed the members that they had approached UNESCO but they confirmed that they had suspended their support towards various organizations.
Other benefactors had given contributions to Fr Healey on behalf of the APWG that would not be released until the APWG had sourced for extra funds. These matching grants would facilitate the payment of the 2nd half grants.
The 2018 member subscription of $10 (Ksh.1000) would be deducted directly from each member’s first grant. The other members would be expected to pay in cash or through Mpesa.
Fr Healey paid his subscription on Ksh.1,000 (one thousand shillings only) in cash at the meeting.
The Secretary confirmed that 14 proposals had been received from members, and would be presented at the next members’ meeting.
Member Name Ethnic Language Country of Origin
The committee proposed that the full members’ meeting would be held on Saturday, 17 February 2018 at 10.00 a.m. The venue would be at the Fine Arts Department at Kenyatta University. Cephas confirmed the venue and date.
Communication would be sent out to the members immediately the venue was confirmed.
The secretary informed the members briefly about the plans to register the APWG as a community based organization, which would run independently. She confirmed that she had obtained:
These documents would be shared with the committee members before the next meeting. The committee would discuss finer details at the next Executive Committee meeting.
There being no other business the meeting ended at 3.00 p.m.
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