The meeting started with prayers said in Gikuyu language by Benard Karanja.
Fr. Healey welcomed the members to the meeting. Apologies were received from Cephas and Elias. Sr. Grace introduced the guest, Edward Karanja, who was interested in becoming a member of the APWG. He was requested to tell the committee some Gikuyu proverbs:
Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes
Sustainability of the APWG
There is presently $173 in our APWG Treasury.
2020 Membership Fees
The members are paying the membership fee of Ksh.1000/= (one thousand shillings) for the year 2020. Some members paid during the meeting. Others from Tanzania involved in the Sukuma Legacy Project sent their amounts through Fr. Healey who submitted the money to the committee.
The following paid Ksh.1000/= (one thousand shillings only).
Proverbs of the Month
A Tiriki, Kenya Proverb is being prepared by Stanislaus Agava and will be ready for posting on the website in the month of April, 2020.
The Rufumbira, Uganda for August, 2020 had been sent to the Ben Mabuto, the editor. Photos/illustrations would be done by Cephas or Elias.
Ricardo Benon’s Report
Ricardo attended our meeting on Skype. He reported that his travels in USA have been costly, but successful and informative. He requested for a “Letter of Introduction” to enable him to represent the APWG on official capacity to source for funds to support the productions. He said he had received an invitation to the University of Manitoba, but he would be unable to attend because he was travelling back to Kenya. Other conferences would be held in November, 2020 in Portugal and cost sharing would allow representation. He proposed that letters be sent to those in charge at the Asbury Theological Seminary, Kentucky. Ricardo was being assisted by his African Extended Family Network.
Restructuring the Financial Support Policy
The members agreed to restructure the financial support policy. This would provide support and provide a member with a source of funds. The policy will show what is expected of the travelling member.
2020 Projects
A Collection of 100 Kalanga Proverbs is being edited by Sr. Grace Njau. She will also prepare a Proverb of the Month. This project had delayed by absence of the collaborators who had moved to Europe for a sabbatical break.
Projects pending. These projects will be collected as “Drafts” from the members because the First Half Grant had been paid to the members. These languages are not listed under the “African Proverb of the Month schedule” yet.
Dinka – Gabriel Odhiambo
Anuak – Hondi Muhimanyi
Fon — Rogers Adjomanyi
Lunda – Laur Mwepu
Future Plans on the Projects
All the projects in the year 2020 — both the pending projects from 2019 and the new projects in 2020 — will be online. The “Collections of 100 African Proverbs” would not have paper booklets. The Executive Committee agreed that for this reason, the previous grant of $500 would be reduced to $300. This would be given in two half amount grants ($150 twice). The members would register to be allowed undertake the projects. An official agreement would be completed by members giving details of the individual projects by members. Collections will be allowed from all Africa, but should not have been published earlier. They should fit under the Endangered African LanguagesCategory. Collaborators will be required to be speakers of the language and will be vetted by the Executive Committee before the project is started.
Full APWG Members Meeting – 2020
The Executive Committee proposed that this meeting be held on Saturday, 1 or 22 February 2020. This would be communicated to the members. Their responses would determine the choice of the most appropriate date convenient for majority. The venue of meeting had been offered by Sr. Grace Njau. It would be at the School of the Precious Blood Sisters, Riruta.
2021 Calendar
The theme of the 2021 calendar will be “Celebrating the Gift of Diversity.” The January to March, 2020 Poll is on: “My favorite proverb of the month on “Celebrating Diversity” is…”
Any Other Business
The meeting ended at 3 p.m. lunch was provided by the Maryknoll House courtesy of Fr. Joseph Healey.
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