10 AM TO 3 PM
1. Joe Healey, MM (citizen of the world) (Ag. Chairman)
2. Joseph Kariuki (Kenya)
3. Tyty Mukendi (DRC)
4. Angela Riziki (DRC)
5. Elias Bushiri Elie (DRC)
6. Margaret Ireri (Kenya)
7. Francis Njuguna (Kenya)
8. Angelica Chelo (DRC)
9. Laur Mwepu (DRC)
10. Simon Rurinjah (Kenya)
11. Thomas Komakech, AJ (Uganda)
12. Caroline Wanjiku Njoroge (Kenya)
13. Speratus Kamanzi, AJ (Tanzania)
14. Marcel Mpombo Nsomue (DRC)
15. Sudi Wamukota (Kenya) (Ag. Secretary)
1. Steve Rasmussen
2. George Atido (sent a message on Facebook)
3. Cyprian Ntambara
4. Don Sybertz
5. Benon Chelo
6. Cephas Agbemenu (tried through Skype)
7. Allan Babunga (tried through Skype, sent a message on Facebook)
8. Grace Njau, CPS
Matters arising
Eleven people have had their proposals approved, but the funding was not available because of the rules of the current donor that states that when a member who is funded submits 10 copies of their work then the waiting members get the funding.
A member suggested that we approach bodies like UNESCO, University of Nairobi (African Studies} and Sudi Wamukota was asked to draft a letter to this end.
A member who had suggested a funding for $2,500 withdrew his proposal since according to him $500 would not help him deliver on what he wanted to research on.
Elias Bushiri to send the proverb on family/marriage for the month for January, 2014 and Angela on family/marriage for February, 2014.
The question of outstanding projects which have already received funding was brought up and Sudi Wamukota who had a sample promised to deliver in the following week. The chair intimated that any outstanding projects by the close of the year would be taken as “bad debts”.
“Family and Marriage” will be the theme of 2015 African Proverbs Calendar.
A prayer for lunch was said by Elias in Kibemba, one of the dialects of DRC.
New proposals
1. Caroline Wanjiku Njoroge to gather Kikuyu proverbs on “money and wealth.”
2. Laur Mwepe to write proverbs from Kilwalwa from Kasai on the border of Zambia and DRC.
Future of Proverbs
The chair lamented that members were not visiting our website and Facebook Page. As a result of which, members were taken through the procedure of getting into them.
The chair reported to the members that in his work with Small Christian Communities, he includes proverbs on relationship and family drawn from Afriprov.
Margaret Ireri is to provide a Mbeere proverb for the month of December, 2013.
Allan Babunga’s Trip to USA
The chairman reported that Allan Babunga’s tour of the USA was a great success.
Allan presented a paper on THE USE OF AFRICAN PROVERBS IN BANTU RITUAL CEREMONIES at the 2013 annual meeting of the American Folklore Society in Providence, Rhode Island, United States of America on Saturday, October 19, 2013. The paper has been submitted to the 2014 volume of Proverbium.
Annual Contributions
It was reported that the kitty so far has a balance of Ksh.20,000. The following gave Ksh.1,000 each:
Tyty Mukendi
Joseph Healey
Don Sybertz
Thomas Komakech
Sudi Wamukota is to present 10 booklets to Fr. Joseph Healey the week after, upon which Margaret Ireri and Angela Chelo would receive $250 each as first half funding. The second half will be given on their completion of the whole project.
Marcel was given more information on the organization contacts.
Fr. Komakech informed the members that he may not be at Mazzoldi House in the year 2014 onwards.
Next meeting
The next meeting will be at Maryknoll in February or March, 2014.
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned by an Acholi proverb, Gin ma rii doko gweng meaning What delays becomes a storm.
Lunch was provided by Mazzoldi House courtesy of Fr. Thomas Komakech. We are very grateful for the lunch.
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