May 13, 2014

July 2014 To stay a long time in the water does not make you clean. (English) Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb

  Yashinga mu minzi itelaga. (Sukuma) Kukaa muda mrefu ndani ya maji si kutakata. (Swahili) Rester longtemps dans l’eau ne lave pas. (French) To stay a […]
April 3, 2014

April-May 2014 – Home is for a husband and a wife. Gikuyu (Kenya) Proverb

Mucii ni wa muthuri na mutumia. (Gikuyu)
Nyumba ni ya mume na mke. (Swahili)
La maison est pour mari et la femme (French)
Home is for a husband and a wife. (English)

Gikuyu (Kenya) Proverb

March 31, 2014

June 2014 A tree on a hill in the savannah is a meeting place for birds. (English) Bembe (Democratic Republic of Congo – DRC, Tanzania) Proverb

Ate alé mwiono hisumbelolya manyonyi. (Bembe) Mti uliojuu ya mlima (mbugani) nipahali pa mkutano wa ndege. (Swahili) Un arbre sur la colline dans une savaneest une […]
March 31, 2014

May 2014 “Women give birth with other women. (English) ” Alur (Democratic Republic of Congo – DRC and Uganda) Proverb

  Mon nyol ku mon wadi. (Alur) Wanawake wanazaa na wanawake wengine. (Swahili) Les femmes accouchent avec d’autres femmes. (French) Women give birth with other women. […]
March 31, 2014

April 2014 “An empty stomach can make a person lose his or her cattle; that is, when the stomach is empty the legs become weak and you can’t run after your animals. (English)” Toposa (Sudan) Proverb

Kitacakari nyakook ewonitngibaren. (Toposa)   An empty stomach can make a person lose his or her cattle; that is, when the stomach is empty the legs […]
March 31, 2014

March 2014 – A faithful woman is a crown to her husband. (English). Gusii (Kenya) Proverb

 Baat bin’abuetsh bua shin’a many. (Kuba)  Wanawake ndio msingiwa fumbokuu la uhai duniani; ni waowanaojua siri ya maisha mema. (Swahili) Les femmes sont à l’origine du […]
March 31, 2014

February 2014 It is not possible to avoid a slippery home compound. (English) Mbeere (Kenya) Proverb

February 2014 Visiting Families
March 31, 2014

Jan 2014 – “Let the guest come so that the host or hostess may benefit (get well). Swahili (Eastern and Central Africa) Proverb

January 2014 Welcoming Guests Mgeni njoo, mwenyeji apone. (Swahili) Let the guest come so that the host or hostess may benefit (get well).   Swahili (Eastern […]
March 31, 2014

April 2013 “It’s better to give than to receive. (English)” Malagasy (Madagascar) Proverb

 April 2013 "It’s better to give than to receive. (English)" Malagasy (Madagascar) Proverb