Apali kenga sumu ya ulimi. (Makonde) Hakuna sumu kama ya ulimi. (Swahili) Il n’y a pas du poison comme la langue. (French) There is no venom such as that of the tongue. (English) |
A ho te mbouoo. (Kwele) Miti yote msituni haifanani. (Swahili) Tous les arbres dans la forêt ne sont pas semblable. (French) All trees are not straight in the forest. (English) |
Kwele (DRC, Gabon, Cameroon, Republic of the Congo) Proverb
Ubuza imfura ata ibiheko. (Bwisha) Mwenyi anapoteza mtoto wa kwanza hutupa miungu. (Swahili) Qui perd son fils aîné jette ses dieux. (French) Who loses the first born throws away his or her gods. (English) |
Bwisha (Democratic Republic of Congo -- DRC) Proverb
Aheleka atashulize bamwetera okubaga. (Haya) Ukiwekesha kitu bila kufatilia utashutukia kimeharibika. (Swahili) C'est très judicieux de continuer à controller. (French) It is wise to keep checking. (English) |
Haya (Tanzania) Proverb
Okhama ing’ombe nolengela iketi. (Tachoni) Ukikamua ng’ombe ya wenyewe huwe ukiangalia langoni. (Swahili) Tu extrais la vache de quelqu'untout en regardant à la porte. (French) You milk someone else’s cow while watching the gate. (English) |
Tachoni (Kenya) Proverb
Nduhu wangu wangu. (Sukuma) Hakuna haraka. (Swahili) Pas besoin de courir, prens-le modément. (French) There is no rush. Take it easy. (English) |
Sukuma (Tanzania) Saying