Grace was an eight-year-old girl brought to our
mission dispensary in Nimule, Sudan with meningitis. She had been sick for five
days and the family had walked twenty-three miles to bring her to us. Her
condition was very bad and she was having seizures off and on. We started
treatment knowing that only time would tell how sick she was. Over the next
three days the fever continued and the seizures increased to the point where we
couldn’t stop them with our medicine. Her condition was such that I expected she
would die. If Grace lived I expected she would have permanent brain damage.
We spoke to the family and they asked that the girl be
baptized. We all gathered around to pray for her, hoping that she wouldn’t have
to suffer much longer. That evening the seizures stopped and the fever broke.
The next day she became conscious and gradually over the next week she gained
strength and the ability to talk. When her treatment was finished she walked
home. Her mother visited us one month later bringing gifts of a chicken and
peanuts. Grace was doing very well. She could walk, talk, and hear without
difficulty — all things that could have commonly been affected by the sickness
of meningitis. When all our medicines seemed to fail, we had nothing left but
prayer. We were grateful for God’s answer!