John Kinney of St. Cloud Diocese, Minnesota, two missionary priests,
four lay people
and I traveled to Southern Sudan to visit the Maryknoll lay missioners and the
Maryknoll Sisters working in Torit Diocese. Five minutes after arriving in
Narus, the Torit Diocesan Headquarters where Bishop Paride Taban lives, we were
urgently told to go into a cement bunker because a Russian-made Antonov airplane
carrying bombs from the Khartoum Government was flying overhead. It was a scare
tactic. A few minutes later the plane left; we went above ground and on our
way. But Bishop Kinney echoed our feelings when he said: “I was scared.” Later
we were told that the bombs had been dropped in another area. And to think that
the Sudanese people have lived in this “war situation” for many years.