There is a true story about an elderly woman named Nyamiji who lived in the
present Shinyanga Region in Tanzania in the first part of the 20th century.
Nyamiji is the feminine name of a particular kind of root and means "a child who
is expected to die because the children born previously in the family died."
She lived in the village of Dakama Luhumbo in the chiefdom of Chief Mirambo. It
was during the reign of Mirambo that a war began which was responsible for the
slaughter of many people and the confiscation of much property.
One day while Nyamiji was working in her fields, the enemy came upon her
unexpectedly leaving Nyamiji speechless and overcome with fear. Finally coming
to her senses she asked herself: "What can I do? To escape is impossible. I
will certainly be killed." Then she remembered that there is a God, the "All
Powerful One," who took her from her mother’s womb and gave her life until now.
At that moment Nyamiji made a promise to her God: "All Powerful One," help me,
save me. If you save my life I will offer you a sacrifice of praise and
After begging
God’s help Nyamiji hid herself behind some sorghum leaves in the field and the
enemy passed by without noticing her. This is how the "All Powerful God" saved
Nyamiji from almost certain death. After a short time Nyamiji, true to her
promise, arranged for an offering to be made to her God — a sacrifice of praise
and thanksgiving for saving her life.