There was once a man known as Leeyio who was the first man
that Naiteru-kiop (literally "The Beginner of the Earth") brought to earth.
Naiteru-kiop then called Leeyio and said to him: "When a person dies and you
dispose of the corpse, you must remember to say, "Person die and come back
again, moon die and remain away."
Many months elapsed before anyone died. When, in the end,
a neighbor’s child died, Leeyio was summoned to dispose of the body. When he
took the corpse outside, he made a mistake and said: "Moon die and come back
again, person die and stay away." So after that no person survived death.
A few more months elapsed, and Leeyio’s own child went
"missing." So the father took the corpse outside and said, "Moon die and remain
away, person die and come back again" On hearing this Naiteru-kiop said to
Leeyio: "You are too late now for, through your own mistake, death was born the
day when your neighbor’s child died." So that is how death came about, and that
is why up to this day when a person dies he or she does not return, but when the
moon dies, it always comes back again.