When Bishop Vincent McCauley was Secretary General
of AMECEA (Catholic Bishops Conference of Eastern Africa) in Nairobi, Kenya he
was always concerned about refugees. During the early 1970’s many Ugandans fled
the brutal dictatorship of Idi Amin. Friends say that not a single Ugandan who
came to McCauley at the AMECEA Office/Residence was ever turned away. Once when
his secretary Rosaleen responded to the doorbell she found two Ugandans looking
for Bishop McCauley. Not wanting to disturb the bishop who was at a meeting, she
sent them away. When she told Bishop McCauley what she had done, instead of
being grateful he told her never to send away a refugee. When she did so the
person she was sending away was Christ Himself.
A few days later the doorbell rang again. This time after
answering Rosaleen went immediately to Bishop McCauley and informed him, "Christ
is at the door."