The easiest money to give away was the $30 which I gave to Mary Njoki, one of the world’s greatest women in my mind. Two years ago, she, her husband and family of eight children lost their home, fields and most of their possessions when they were run off their land by the dominant ethnic group in their area of Molo, Kenya. Mary ended up in Nairobi with the smaller children. Her husband stayed back in a camp at a Catholic Parish with the older boys in hopes of getting their land back. After a year and a half he got a new plot from the government. It took him this half year to build a home and get things started. Now Mary will join him. She needed the $30 to transport her sewing machine which has been helpful to her in eking out a living. When I’m near Mary I feel that I am on holy ground. She always has a beautiful smile and I have never once heard her complain about her fate in life. We at the Mukuru Ruben Church will miss her dynamic presence.