Between Ikotos and Chukudum, near Lotome in Southern Sudan, I found vultures
finishing off the remains of a person eaten by hyenas, yet another of the many
victims of terrorist bombing. The skull in the centre of the road forced me to
stop the car. As I stepped down I saw vast quantities of dried up bones on the
ground covering the whole length of the road. I had neither hoe nor spade to
bury the remains of "my countrymen" like Tobit. Spontaneously I knelt down and
prayed as the Holy Spirit could inspire me at the moment. Certainly, I could
not prophesy like Ezekiel: "In the valley of dried up bones." But I recommended
those dry bones to the Lord who alone can give life to the dead, for he is "the
resurrection." I now end my Lent message with this appeal: "Travel always with
a hoe and spade to help you bury the bodies of our countrymen."