1993 World Mission Sunday was joyfully celebrated in
Mhunze Outstation, Ndoleleji Parish in Shinyanga Diocese, Tanzania. Twelve
Christians (the head catechist, the assistant chairperson of the outstation
council, and the leaders of the 10 Small Christian Communities) symbolizing the
12 apostles were called forth in front of the congregation. The priest
celebrant laid hands on them and sent them forth with the words "Go and spread
the faith." They in turn laid hands on all the parents. Then in succession 12
parents laid hands on all the youth and then 12 youth lay hands on all the
children. Each time there were six men and six women to symbolize inclusiveness
and equality. In addition an informal play was put on in which a five-year-old
girl told the Good News of Jesus Christ to her four-year-old friend who then
went "to the other side of the church" to tell a three-year-old boy. This
dramatized the 1993 Message of World Mission Sunday that even children can be
missionaries to their peers.