2020 Calendar
- December 2020, The brotherhood/sisterhood of ducks is known inside the sack.
- November 2020, The case of good persons must be judged in a similar way as that of bad ones.
- October 2020, A water pot cannot stand on its own without a support.
- September 2020, Brothers who get along will always defeat the enemy.
- August 2020, Where a tooth is removed there remains a gap.
- July 2020, Even haplochromis (name of a small fish) employs tilapia (name of a large fish).
- June 2020, Two heads are better than one.
- May 2020, An elephant is not overwhelmed by its trunk.
- April 2020, Two geniuses will successfully roast a fly.
- March 2020, Women are part of the origin of life’s big mystery on earth; they know the secret of a good life.
- February 2020, A rich person can’t respect poor ones.
- January 2020, The woman finds an empty house, she doesn’t find riches.